Featured Civic & Government Projects
From Courthouses to Playgrounds.
Public sector clients operate under tight budgets and contracting guidelines. Accurate estimating is critical for success. MicroEstimating delivers reliable cost forecasting as your trusted team member and as a consultant for special projects.
As-Needed & On-Call
As-Needed Cost Estimating Services No. 3, San Francisco Public Works and City & County of San Francisco
Providing cost estimating services for various building, infrastructure, and landscaping projects. Tasks involve submittal of cost estimates at different phases of the design, field visits, attending coordination meetings with the project manager and designers, and other related work. Projects include various building facilities such as library buildings, fire stations, police stations, health service centers, hospital buildings, recreation centers, parks, pump stations, and other city-owned facilities.
On-Call Estimating Services
Contra Costa County Capital Projects
Martinez, CA
Provided estimates, as one task in the firm’s on-call contract with the county, for replacement costs for a variety of county facilities as part of a major feasibility study. The county wanted the costs associated with the study to reflect current construction conditions rather than the engineers’ estimate based on unit pricing. The facilities encompassed 2 animal shelters, 8 health clinics, 9 detention facilities, 11 head start sites, 3 homeless shelters, 2 hospitals, 13 libraries, 3 maintenance yard/office facilities, 40 office locations, 11 veterans’ halls, and a warehouse/property bureau.
On-Call Estimating Services
County of Marin
Providing cost estimates as part of the county’s Annual Capital Project Program (CIP) planning process. The number, size and complexity of the projects considered for funding each year will vary. In 2019, the county allocated $55.1 million to fund capital improvement projects in the county’s facilities, to its roadways, and to its various water resources.
On-Call Estimating Services
City of Fremont
Providing cost estimating, bid evaluation, special cost reports, cost benefit analyses, value engineering, and claims analyses on an on-call basis for the City of Fremont under a three-year contract, with the opportunity for a 2-year extension at contract end. Ongoing projects involve new construction and renovation projects, program wide projects, infrastructure projects and civil projects.
As-Needed Cost Estimating
City of Sacramento
Providing estimating services for various phases of public projects and site work, including mechanical, plumbing, and electrical estimating. Typical projects include the design and construction of fire stations, libraries, community centers, new office buildings, remodels, or tenant improvement of city owned or leased buildings.
Civic & Cultural
Alcatraz Embarkation Site
San Francisco, CA
Providing estimating services on plan to develop the Alcatraz Embarkation Site, located at the midpoint of a series of public spaces along the northern half of the Embarcadero at pier 31-1/2. The site is part of the National Register of Historic Places and the site design and materials must compliment the historic resources that surround the site, including the pier sheds, bulk heads, and open views to the water. In addition, the design and materials must comply with the Port of San Francisco’s design guidelines.
Asian Art Museum
San Francisco, CA
Performed value analysis of new structures around existing toll plaza by evaluating the estimates, value engineering and implementation of LEED pointing system to achieve a minimum of Silver rating. Scope includes Hazmat, underground utilities, tow service building, bridge maintenance building, electrical/ sub shop building, wash rack, historic IERBYS building, paint maintenance building, demolition of existing tow/ electrical building, training center/ field office building, maintenance equipment building, fence/ signage/ striping, and landscaping.
Better Market Street
San Francisco, CA
The project will construct roadway improvements on market street between 6th and 8th streets in downtown San Francisco. Improvements include roadway resurfacing, streetcar track replacement, replacement and upgrade of traffic signals, and a new F-Line streetcar turnaround loop at McAllister and Charles J. Brenham streets. The build project is part of a broader reconstruction of 2.2 miles of market street that will include non-build funded improvements such as new water and sewer lines, broadband conduit installation, ADA-accessible curb ramps and streetcar access ramps, and landscaping and streetscape improvements. $80.7 million.
Chabot Space & Science Center
Oakland, CA
Pre-construction services for this new $35 million science and technology education facility on a 13–acre site. The 86,000 sf facility features a 240–seat planetarium with high tech visual and multimedia capabilities; 210–seat megadome theater; Challenger Learning Center with space station and mission control simulators; observatory complex housing the center’s 8–inch, 20–inch and 36–inch telescopes; and numerous exhibit halls.
Pier 70-Building 12
San Francisco, CA
Provided constructability review services to the GC on this Pier 70 waterfront site project as part of a larger redevelopment plan. Original structure was built in 1941 and was used for cutting and forming steel plates for ship hulls. It is one of three historically-significant buildings and is slated to become a beacon of the future Pier 70 redevelopment. It is anticipated that this building will be lifted 9’ by a “lifting subcontractor”. Space will include areas for manufacturing, retail, and event space for both public and private events. Steel and wood, 2-story building 250’ wide and 60’ tall. Ground floor is approximately 60,000 sf. Project shall be designed for LEED Gold or better.
San Jose McEnery Convention Center Design-Build Renovation & Expansion
San Jose, CA
Provided pre-construction services for the master planning and design of this 290,000 sf civic facility that includes a center for the arts with a 1200 seat theater and retail area; city hall with offices and council chambers; a 50,000 sf library, and a 20,000 sf children’s museum. Other attendant features include a pedestrian bridge and parking structure.
San Ramon City Center
San Ramon, CA
Provided pre-construction services for the master planning and design of this 290,000 sf civic facility that includes a center for the arts with a 1,200 seat theater and retail area; city hall with offices and council chambers; 50,000 sf library, and 20,000 sf children’s museum. Other attendant features include a pedestrian bridge and parking structure.
Town of Fairfax Municipal Facilities
Fairfax, CA
Constructibility review and construction cost estimating services for an ADA upgrade and flood damage prevention to three municipal facilities in the town of Fairfax: the town hall, police department and fire station along with and associated site work.
US Custom House Seismic Upgrade & Renovation
San Francisco, CA
Comprehensive $17 million seismic retrofit and electrical upgrade to this historic complex with a 5–story structure surrounding the 2–story customs hall.
War Memorial Opera House
San Francisco, CA
Seismic upgrade and historic restoration of this 3,200–seat, Beaux Arts style opera house, a national and historic landmark that was damaged in the Loma Prieta Earthquake. The $60 million historic renovation restored the richly detailed interior that includes cast stone, ornamental plaster, marble, bronze and tile.
Safety & Emergency
Ambulance Deployment Facility
San Francisco, CA
The Ambulance Deployment Facility project involves demolition of two structures built in the 1950’s and construction of a three-story, 25,415 sf Ambulance Deployment Facility and a three-level, 27,933 sf parking structure behind the existing fire station 9 to accommodate parking spaces for ambulances, fire engines, fire aerial ladder trucks, and miscellaneous vehicles the project consists of offices, training classrooms and support spaces, staff support: locker rooms, kitchen and exercise room.
ESER 2020 Bond 39 Major Fire Station Projects, San Francisco Public Works
San Francisco, CA
Provided conceptual cost estimating services to support ESER 2020 bond for a total of 39 major fire station projects throughout San Francisco requiring confirmation of both square feet. Construction costs and total facility costs including the city’s “soft costs” escalated out through Q4 of 2023 for both constrained and unconstrained sites.
New County Courthouses
Superior Court of California
Provided cost estimating services on a feasibility study and report for five new county courthouses. These included the one-story, 39,984 sf Hollister Courthouse estimated at $38.6 Million; the 7-story Long Beach Courthouse with basement and on-site 500 car parking structure, estimated at $321.5 million; the two-story San Andreas Courthouse, approximately 59,336 sf estimated at $52.3 million; the 39,826 sf Susanville Courthouse estimated at $36.2 million; and the two-story, 89,971 sf Porterville Courthouse, estimated at $81.2 million.
Point Reyes Fire Station Remodel
Marin County, CA
Provided estimating services for tenant improvements to living quarters, exterior paint siding, electric and communication work, emergency generator and related items and fence and propane tank.
Robert T. Matsui U.S. Courthouse & Federal Building
Sacramento, CA
New 16–story, 380,000 sf courthouse and federal building for GSA. This $102 million project included two levels of underground parking.
Stanislaus County Animal Shelter And Veterinary Clinic
Ceres, CA
The animal shelter project was 33,400 sf. The project included an animal holding capacity for 476 animals, and a county non-profit, low-cost veterinary, and spade and neuter clinic. The design build project construction budget was estimated at $5.7 million and the final construction cost was $5.6 million.
Stanislaus County Public Safety Jail Project
Ceres, CA
The public safety county jail project included lobby, visiting area, jail administration, health service, staff support, housing, maximum security (2 pods) and central plants. Cost $106.5 million.
National Laboratories
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Building 235
Livermore, CA
Seismic retrofit of building complex at LLNL. MicroEstimating performed site investigations, met with LLNL’s representatives, discussing site use constraints and construction access constraints during the construction in order to provide 2 options for construction and the associated construction costs for each option.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Non-Destruction Evaluation Building 310
Livermore, CA
MicroEstimating provided cost estimating and constructability review services for the new Non-Destructive Evaluation Building 310. The building, as envisioned, is approximately 14,000 sf, distributed in a single level. Designed for future expansion to the east, the new building will house the Non-Destructive Evaluation (NODE) functional areas, currently located in Building 327. Utility upgrades are required to support the new building. Site improvements include new site lighting, pathways, landscaping, new parking area with EVA stations and bio-swale rainwater treatment. Total building area is approximately 14,041 gsf.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Building 311 2nd Floor Reconfiguration
Livermore, CA
Provided estimating and constructability review services. The second floor of Building 311 is being divided into two areas due to the nature of the work being done by the personnel on the floor. One area will be completely reconfigured to accommodate the users’ needs, while the other area will remain as-is, except for required infrastructure and finishes modifications due to the separation of the areas. LLNL has developed conceptual layouts as a starting point for detailed design. This project is to develop the conceptual design into a detailed construction documents package.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Manufacturing Building 321G
Livermore, CA
MicroEstimating provided cost estimating and constructability review services for the new Building 321G Manufacturing Building, an extension of existing B321C Manufacturing. The current design proposes the construction of an approximately 8,450 sf high bay building, housing manufacturing, adjacent to a 1,514 sf connector to existing B321C and a 669 sf utility enclosure, housing mechanical, electrical and fire riser rooms. Utility upgrades are required to support the new building and addition. Site improvements include new pathways, landscaping, parking area with EV charging station, site lighting and on-site bio-swale type rainwater treatment.
Sandia National Laboratories Building C914 Seismic Retrofit
Livermore, CA
Provided estimating and constructability review services for Building C914 to house and expand the tag shop and machine shop. The project includes construction of a new roof steel superstructure above the existing high bay roof framing, and new concrete shear wall buttresses to the west and south of the high bay. The existing airlock and covered canopy area will be replaced with an enclosed/ conditioned addition at the south. The high bay will be designed as an essential facility due to the level of mission dependence provided by the current operations. Construction includes site utilities, site work, structure and exterior envelope and interior improvements, mechanical, electrical and communication systems, fire protection and alarm systems, security system, and energy management systems. $9 million.
Sandia National Laboratories Data Center Replacement Facility Building C902
Livermore, CA
Provided estimating and constructability reviews for a new one-level, 8,970 sf data center. Design and construction includes: site utilities, site work, structure and exterior envelope and interior improvements, mechanical, electrical and communication systems, fire protection and alarm systems, security system, and energy management systems. The new data center replacement facility will be designed to attain LEED V4 BD+C Data Centers Gold certification. $11.8 million.
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